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Outdoor Photographer Magazine's 2014 Vistas Winners, January 2015

I submitted an image (uncropped version below) into the 2014 Vistas photo competition in the prestigious Outdoor Photographer magazine earlier this year. I was on my way to the gym on the evening of May 20, 2014 when I noticed the potential for a 'good sunset' at a go to location, so I returned home to pick up my camera equipment and raced to where I needed to be. This magnificent rain cloud developed into an amazing umbrella shape over a lone oak tree, and I made a quick decision that the only way I could capture the magnitude of the scene was to shoot six vertical images that I could stitch into a panorama in Photoshop. In early October 2014 I was notified by the Magazine that my entry, titled 'Wild Nights', had been chosen as a Top 30 Entry, which was thrilling for me as it seemed like an acknowledgement and validation of my art and photographic skills.

On December 28, 2014  I opened my copy of the February 2015 edition of the Magazine to find that it had received an Honorable Mention in the final judging, and it is printed on Page 50 (see link below) ~ late Christmas present! Feeling grateful!

Wild Nights.jpg

Here is the link to the article published in the magazine. You can also click on the image above for more detail, as well as the printed page copy below to read the article.
